11 years ago this month, my life took a drastic turn with an illness…at the time I was a prisoner in my own bed, and had been for a few years. Little did I know that I would soon emerge to a new way of being within myself and outwardly connect differently to the world around me. At the time I did not know it was a gift but I had the awareness it was all happening for a reason.
I honor my journey as a gift that changed my life and allowed me to step into my power of truth and authenticity…I am grateful. I encourage you that no matter what your situation is, believe and have faith that God/the Universe/Higher Power will prevail. You must ask for help and guidance.
Ask yourself through any of your challenges or triumphs “What is my awareness through this? …I am open to receive.” There is always a message for us in our high and low points in our life.
Things do not happen TO you but instead they happen FOR you. Often it is to become aware to tap more into your Higher Self…your inner wisdom. Shift from listening from the ego (the mind) to listen from the heart. That is where your truth is for YOU. Trust in your heart…it is your 2nd brain and the one that is your guide.
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